7 Signs It's Time For Assisted Living


Are you caring for a loved one who requires intensive care? Do you know somebody who lives alone but may be struggling to continue doing so? Are you worried about your parents living alone? Assisted living may offer a key way for you to ensure that your loved one is cared for. Not sure if it is time for assisted living? These signs may help you determine that it is. 

17 May 2016

Live Long and Limber: Maintaining Flexibility as You Age


As you grow older, it's harder to keep the same level of activity and flexibility you had when you were younger if you are not vigilant. However, staying flexible as you move into your senior years is essential for good health. As your muscles age, they lose natural elasticity and become shorter. Your range of motion and your ability to do everyday activities without pain will decrease unless you take care to stretch and use your muscles every day.

16 May 2016